The institution for skin health.
Become part of the Dr. med. Schrammek family – as an exclusive partner distributing our brands in your country, a beauty professional offering our products and treatments or as a consumer using and loving our products. We are available for you and looking forward to hearing from you.
In all areas, we will provide you with optimal conditions for your success.
A life dedicated to beauty.
For more than 60 years, we have helped people to get a beautiful, healthy skin.
Who are we? Get to know us.
“The symbiosis of medicine and cosmetics turns our products into highly-effective problem solvers. Beautiful skin significantly contributes to a physical and psychological well-being.”

Dr. med. Christine Schrammek-Drusio – Dermatologist, Allergist & Anti-Aging Expert, Christina Drusio – Medical Specialist for Dermatology and Venerology